Raising awareness
Some of the main factors that can lead to malnourishment or stunting in children are inadequate and/or improper diet; poor maternal health and improper diet before and during pregnancy, child contracted diseases or illnesses such as bacterial infection, growth hormone deficiency, etc.
Therefore, learning and updating the latest and most accurate knowledge about health and nutrition for mothers and children as well as being able to recognize early symptoms of stunting and malnutrition are extremely important, not only to limit pathogens but also to ensure comprehensive and healthy child development.

Part 6: Monitoring patients during treatment
Part 6: Monitoring patients during treatment [pdf-embedder url="/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Presentation6.pdf"]
Part 5: Symptom recognition and diagnostic measures
Part 5: Symptom recognition and diagnostic measures [pdf-embedder url="/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Presentation5.pdf"]
Part 4: Delayed growth and common causes
Part 4: Delayed growth and common causes [pdf-embedder url="/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Presentation4.pdf"]
Part 3: Optimal diet and physical training for healthy child development
Part 3: Optimal diet and physical training for healthy child development…
Part 2: Roles of 5 main factors that affect child development
Part 2: Roles of 5 main factors that affect child development…
Part 1: Normal growth patterns in children: Growth patterns during infancy, childhood & puberty
Part 1: Normal growth patterns in children: Growth patterns during infancy,…